Think Again Before Masturbate

Think Again Before Masturbate

जिसने स्वाद नहीं जीता, वह विषयों को नहीं जीत सकता। इसलिए ब्रह्मचारी को स्वादेन्द्रिय जीतने का भी पूरा प्रयत्न करना चाहिए।

English Translation

long process of producing semen. After eating the food, the juice is produced which runs in the nadis. Then later the blood is formed. It has many properties. Perhaps scientists are avoiding their own thing. Scientists themselves say that semen contains high quality protein, carbohydrates, etc. Which provide strength to our body.
Have you ever wondered why a lion is so powerful? He only has sex for children once in his life, due to which semen remains in him and he is so powerful.
The semen which is collected is not necessarily that the semen will come out due to lack of holding capacity. From the place where the semen is collected, it goes into the whole body after ninety days. Then it increases the beauty, strength, immunity etc. There is no crossover.

Brahmacharya means to store the powers, not to let them disintegrate - to put them in your progress. It means power, action, readiness, enthusiasm, vigor, tolerance. It does not mean fatness, not wrestling.

Brahmacharya gives physical health, stamina, enthusiasm and courage; Brahmacharya develops mental powers, the soul starts walking on the path of progress.

Brahmacharya means complete authority over all senses and disorders. Its detailed explanation is 'restraint of all senses'.

The meaning of becoming a brahmachari means that there is no disorder in me even in touching a woman, just as touching a paper does not. My sister is ill and while serving her, I am hesitant due to celibacy, then that celibacy is of no use. The formless condition we can experience by touching the dead body. We are Brahmachari only when we can experience the same by touching a beautiful young lady. Brahmachari is a natural ascetic.

The full real meaning of Brahmacharya is the discovery of Brahm. Brahma pervades everything. Therefore, it is discovered by intuition and intuition arising from it. This intuition cannot happen without complete restraint of the senses. Therefore, the restraint of all senses with body, mind and speech at all times and in all eyes is called brahmacharya.

One who does not win the taste cannot win the subjects. Therefore, Brahmachari should also try his best to win the taste


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